[Solved] Make a screener for this reversal channel from tradingview
Thanks for the token.
Here's a very cool indicator for swing trading.
Pinescrip is from tradingview but it is modified for alerts and other things.
I need a screener for when top or bottom happens or for arrows. After a top or bottom price many times still keeps moving and doesn't reverse,.
best way is to place a Buy o Sell Stop Order. price keeps making new high and low then it won't hit the stop order.
But if price comes down and starts reversing, then it will hit the sell stop and start a new order.
Works only for sideways market when swings are big enough. channels need to be far apart and not too close.
Sure, I took a look at the pinescript. I'll first make just the channels in metatrader4. And see how it performs manually.
If you just make the channels in mq4, then can you share. Even if you don't make the screener?
Sure, I'll put up the ex4 for it. Sorry, I won't be able to share the source code mq4.
I'll make the scanner and keep both files as a package for purchase.
Yes, I'll send a demo soon for scanner. It will be very basic. Just the signals for top, bottom, up down arrows etc. And alerts.
I have emailed you a demo ex4. Let me know what you think of the channels.
You are right.. arrow signals are great during high swinging markets. But not good during obvious trending markets. Or sometimes if price has already reached too far beyond mid line. So best to study chart first before trading with this one.
is it possible to have number of consecutive tops bottoms?
I mean suppose it is in an up trnd and keeps making tops.
if screener shows how many continuos tops then it shows price is in trend and so no trade. better to trade when price is in sideway swing.
Sorry, that will require a lot of past bars scanning. So if a person is using 4-5 timeframes for all 28 pairs, and it needs to scan back 1000 bars or so, then calculations will be for: 5 x 28 x 1000 as it needs to do so for each timeframe. This will add a lag to scanner every refresh.
For now, the scanner is just to show "Shift" bar's signals like this. And give alerts when a new signal happens. By default shift bar = 1. Because bar 0 is still forming. Check out the attached settings and screenshot of scanner.
I've emailed you the scanner demo. Let me know if this works for you. Main indicator will be the arrows one.
ok fair enough.. i get it. screener needs to be fast. it works great right now. one final thought, if possible add macd to limit signals. and get better signals. i saw on thinkorswim:-- can u try:--
input useMacdFilter = yes; input macdFastLength = 12; input macdSlowLength = 26; input macdSignalLength = 9; input macdAverageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL; # MACD def MACD = MovingAverage(macdAverageType, close, macdFastLength) - MovingAverage(macdAverageType, close, macdSlowLength); def Signal = MovingAverage(macdAverageType, MACD, macdSignalLength); def hist = MACD - Signal; def crossUp = (hist > 0) and (hist[1] <= 0); def crossDn = (hist < 0) and (hist[1] >= 0); def maxUp = if crossUp then 0 else if hist > 0 then Max(maxUp[1], hist) else maxUp[1]; def minDn = if crossDn then 0 else if hist < 0 then Min(minDn[1], hist) else minDn[1]; def PreUp = if !maxUp then maxUp[1] else PreUp[1]; def PreDn = if !minDn then minDn[1] else PreDn[1]; plot signalUp = useMacdFilter and G and hist < 0 and minDn > PreDn; plot signalDn = useMacdFilter and top and hist > 0 and maxUp < PreUp;
Ok, you mean as a filter right? I'll try and let you know. If it gives better signal, I'll consider adding it 🙂
Also, will need to see if scanner stays fast 🙂
I emailed you another demo. Added the macd filter. It's very useful but, it does slow down the scanner.
So I have made it an optional check for both the strong and weak signals.
Kept it true for weak signals by default as those can sometimes be too many in an ongoing up/down trend.
Like in screenshot. Keeping MACD filter on limits those excessive singals.
thanks so much!!
I'll test this week and let you know. but looks perfect so far.
Where can I buy full version. pls let me knw.
Sure, take your time. Product is up at:
It will be on sale at $40 for a little while. Enjoy!
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