Read this document and make sure you understand it completely.

  • 1. General Rules
    • You may not harass or insult other Members or the Community Staff.
    • You may not act in any way or engage into any activity, which could prove harmful to our Community.
    • We expect you to always use your best judgment and your best possible effort and let it reflect in your actions.
    • Swear words, sexual references, degrading references towards Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Believes, Age, Disability, Gender, Personality and Hobbies are not allowed.


  • 2. Free Speech and User Content
    • is a free speech community. You are free to express yourself as stated under I. General Rules.
    • If you are a designer or developer, you are allowed to distribute your work on freely and by doing so you are granting us the non-exclusive and non-transferrable right, to house your content on our servers for public download.
    • As we cannot verify the legal status of every user generated or shared content, you are only allowed to link to the content that you wish to share. For liability purposes we are hereby distancing ourselves from any such user generated or shared content. Everything you publish will be subject to the Abuse / DMCA process and you are solely responsible for anything you publish on the website.


  • 3. Posting Content on
    • You are strictly forbidden to hotlink images from their source.
      You are also strictly forbidden to hotlink images from other sites, just because they happen to have the image you need on their site.
    • We expect you to make sure that the content you share is free from any forms of harmful additions or modifications. The content you share must be equipped with sufficient information, using comprehensive formatting, to allow everyone to understand what your Shares are about using the least necessary effort.
    • The official language of is English. You are allowed to write in other languages but only if you provide a complete and accurate translation. Content that you post must be freely accessible for download.
    • You may have a signature linking to any of Your Sites or Affiliate Links. The signature must be in the standard font, font size and font color. Your signature must not exceed 4 lines of text. Should you use an image or banner, it must not exceed the standard forum width and also must not exceed the equivalent height of 4 lines of text.
    • If you find a Post being offline or not accessible in any manner, you are allowed to repost this content, just like any other Post. The only thing you have to add is a link to the original post in your description text. Also point out, that you reposted this because the original post is down.


  •  4. Criteria for Linking Content from your Own Site
    • Must adhere to our Rules  General Rules.
    • Must be maintained, meaning that you regularly check that the content is still available.
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