Setup Mobile Alerts with Abiroid Indicators in MT4
Most of my indicators have “Send Push Notification” option. Just set it to true to get alerts in your Mobile MT4 app.
If you are not seeing alerts, make sure you have set it up:
MT4 Mobile App:
- Go to settings
- Under Messages heading you will see a MetaQuotes ID. Make a note of it
MT4 desktop app:
- Go to Tools -> Options -> Notifications
- Check the box “Enable Push Notifications”
- And add your Mobile app’s Metaquotes ID here and click Ok.
Now you should start getting alert notifications on your Metatrader app.
If you sometimes see alerts and sometimes don’t, it might be an issue with your phone saving it’s battery.
Make sure that Metatrader is not Battery Optimized and is allowed to run in background and get Phone Notifications.
Go to your android Phone’s Settings -> Apps. Find Metatrader app. And go to Notifications section.
And make sure Notifications are allowed. The battery settings might be different based on your phone type.